Wine Resource Links

Wine Sales & Business Section Update

Posted in Update by Ryan O'Connell on March 9, 2009

I added a page in the right hand navigation where I give credit to all the people who help this project and other related projects.  I’m pleased with the response.  Keep sending in links.  Some interesting stuff.  Even news articles with just one or two good citeable facts are good for the listing sometimes.  It only takes a few seconds to help out.

The business statistics section is fleshing out really well with some studies from a university program in Washington state.  Also, I found some hilarious publications from the US Department of Agriculture that start off really positive back in 1997 when anything seemed possible and people invested in stock just because it ended in “.com” and we all had infinite money to spend.

Then there’s this article from 2001 where the market is slowing down but the writer turns that around and says that quality fruit is getting super cheap for wineries! haha.  Ya, surplus will do that.  But California is still doing a great job handling its fruit production compared to some places, so maybe the research helped them out.